Living on campus can be really nice; it means you don't have to walk far to get where you need to go. Plus, it means you are leaving less of a carbon "footprint" when you are living here, which the environment really appreciates. Sometimes, though, students want to get off campus, or just get around a lot faster than walking.

Some students who live on campus have cars, so leaving campus is easy. There are many parking lots and parking spaces near the residence halls, but you have to have a special parking pass to use them. This is a pass that you have to pay for, and sometimes you don't always get a spot in the parking lots on campus. That's why many people still like to walk to classes if they can.
Having a bike is a really good way to compensate for a car, and great exercise. Only the toughest will ride their bikes during the cold winter; though--I usually leave mine at home for the winter. Another option is riding the bus; there are Bloomington transit buses that can take you all around town, and there are also IU campus buses that can take you to class. All you need to ride is your student ID card, and a little bit of patience.
Recently, IU has started an agreement with the Smart Car company. Smart Cars are popular in big cities where most people do not drive; you can just rent one of their cars for a short amount of time to get from place to place, and just drop it off at a Smart Car location when you are done. The Smart Car location on campus is in the motorcycle parking lot across from the journalism building. Even though I travel by foot most of the time, I have found that there is almost always a way to get from point A to point B.