Thursday, November 5, 2009

Touring Bands Perform at Collins

The Collins Coffeehouse was hopping this Tuesday night. Literally, people were hopping! The bands The Pomegranates and Enlou delivered fantastic performances for Collins residents and friends. We stood inches from their faces, bopping along to their up-beat and percussive tunes with sounds similar to bands like the more well-known Arcade Fire.

A Collins resident acquainted with members of the bands decided to bring them to Collins for his Q199 project. Q199 is a class that all Freshmen must take to help orient them with
the inner-workings of Collins and residence life, and requires the completion final project for which students have to find a way to benefit the Collins community. The bands weren’t free, however; their show was supported by the various councils at Collins, notably, Arts Council. Arts Council, Community Council, and other such groups are designated a particular amount of money coming from resident activity fees to spend each semester on programs like these.

The show was a huge success, worth every penny, and, I have to say, the best Tuesday night ever.

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